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Tình trạng Ngày tháng Người gởi Tin nhắn
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 5:08 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: sdffffffffffffffffffg sdfg sdfg sd When: 2019-06-10, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #30 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:59 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: agergae gae gaeg When: 2019-06-10, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #29 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:53 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: sadf gasdfg qag ag asg When: 2019-06-10, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #27 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:51 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: afdvgasdfg When: 2019-06-10, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #26 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:48 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: asggggggggggggargsearg When: 2019-03-04, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #25 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:38 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: afsdgsfg afg When: 2019-06-10, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #24 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:35 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: asdfgasdfg sdf asdf When: 2019-03-04, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #23 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:33 13468032XXX 273 864 koduyla Instagram hesabini dogrula. #ig
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 4:23 16477244XXX Your verification code is 9017
Đã nhận 11.06.2019 - 3:45 14387952XXX New Job Offer Denis, Job: Bookkeeping Description: asdgfwerag When: 2019-06-10, any How long: 0.5 hrs approximately Willing to pay: $ 12/hr Offer ID is: #20 Quick apply to most recent job offer you received by sms with "apply". Use "apply r15 t10" to counter-offer rate $15 with transit fee of $10. Include "#" followed by ID number above to specify a job other than the most recent... eg: "#123"