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Đã nhận New 31.12.2024 - 0:35 14172288XXX This is an alert notification for your Azenta Cryo Freezer ( xxxxx ) - ( ) Active Alarms: Low Level Alarm ( 12/30/2024 8:00:37 PM ) Fill Timeout Alarm ( 12/30/2024 11:13:03 PM ) Performance as of ( 12/31/2024 1:35:03 AM ): Top Temp: -150 Bot Temp: -164 LN2 Level: 1.4 LN2 Usage: 3.64
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:30 18442360XXX 784921 is your verification code. Don't share it with anyone.
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Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:30 14172288XXX This is an alert notification for your Azenta Cryo Freezer ( xxxxx ) - ( ) Active Alarms: Low Level Alarm ( 12/30/2024 8:00:37 PM ) Fill Timeout Alarm ( 12/30/2024 11:13:03 PM ) Performance as of ( 12/31/2024 1:30:00 AM ): Top Temp: -150 Bot Temp: -164 LN2 Level: 1.5 LN2 Usage: 3.64
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:25 18442360XXX 785686 is your verification code. Don't share it with anyone.
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:25 14172288XXX This is an alert notification for your Azenta Cryo Freezer ( xxxxx ) - ( ) Active Alarms: Low Level Alarm ( 12/30/2024 8:00:37 PM ) Fill Timeout Alarm ( 12/30/2024 11:13:03 PM ) Performance as of ( 12/31/2024 1:25:04 AM ): Top Temp: -150 Bot Temp: -164 LN2 Level: 1.4 LN2 Usage: 3.64
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:20 14172288XXX This is an alert notification for your Azenta Cryo Freezer ( xxxxx ) - ( ) Active Alarms: Low Level Alarm ( 12/30/2024 8:00:37 PM ) Fill Timeout Alarm ( 12/30/2024 11:13:03 PM ) Performance as of ( 12/31/2024 1:20:01 AM ): Top Temp: -150 Bot Temp: -164 LN2 Level: 1.4 LN2 Usage: 3.64
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:19 14089529XXX Remind! New login II oneck.vip II User:Carlosv Pwd: MT52189 BaIance: 3,365,721.76
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:15 14172288XXX This is an alert notification for your Azenta Cryo Freezer ( xxxxx ) - ( ) Active Alarms: Low Level Alarm ( 12/30/2024 8:00:37 PM ) Fill Timeout Alarm ( 12/30/2024 11:13:03 PM ) Performance as of ( 12/31/2024 1:15:04 AM ): Top Temp: -150 Bot Temp: -164 LN2 Level: 1.4 LN2 Usage: 3.64
Đã nhận 31.12.2024 - 0:10 14172288XXX This is an alert notification for your Azenta Cryo Freezer ( xxxxx ) - ( ) Active Alarms: Low Level Alarm ( 12/30/2024 8:00:37 PM ) Fill Timeout Alarm ( 12/30/2024 11:13:03 PM ) Performance as of ( 12/31/2024 1:10:02 AM ): Top Temp: -150 Bot Temp: -164 LN2 Level: 1.4 LN2 Usage: 3.64