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Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: We’ve updated your CD maturity preferences.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: Your application is under review.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: You have used Balance Protection in the amount of 100, which needs to be repaid.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: Congrats! Your new account is now open.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: Congrats! Your new account is now open.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: Your CD will mature in 30 days. Login to confirm your maturity preferences.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: A limit has been added to your account
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: Your CD will mature in 30 days. Login to set your renewal option.
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 15644447XXX KITS: Ready for this scary good offer? Take 40% off all KITS eyewear with code KITS40. But hurry! Popular styles are selling fast! Shop Now: https://itbl.co/oGC~v1ukF
Đã nhận 20.10.2023 - 4:34 12672910XXX Savana: Your recurring transfer has been processed.